Items Needed -
A cup (Disposable is best since the cup will get nail polish on it)
A bobby pin or needle
Any nail varnishes of your choosing
Water (distilled preferably)
Swirl Nails
1. Apply base layer color to nails (clear or a solid color) (Note: I used clear nail polish in this tutorial, but if you want more vibrant colors I suggest using a solid color)
2. Tape around nails. Typically takes about three small pieces of tape. To place tape, apply one piece to the base of your nails. Place another on the side of your nail, repeat on the other side of the nail.
3. Open all nail polishes for easy access. Taking each nail varnish, place one drop of each color on top of the previous color (The nail varnish will spread out) (If nail polish sinks, use distilled water)
4. Once colors are dropped onto the water, take your bobby pin or needle and create small circles in the colors to create your swirls.
5. Now taking your taped finger dip it into the mixed nail varnish. The water will press the nail polish into your nail, sealing it. When you pull your nail out of the water make sure that the remaining nail polish sitting on the water does not get on your nail!
6. Once nails are dry, peel of the tape around your nails. If the tape didn't cover an area of skin that got nail varnish on it, use a q-tip with nail polish remover and clean off those little spots.
7. (Optional) Apply top coat/clear coat to seal in your nail varnish (this will make it last longer)
Congratulations! You now have creative swirl nails that will impress all your friends!