Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sweet N' Sour Strawberry Lemon Facial Mask

With Summer on the horizon its time for a "pick me up" out of Winter. This delicious concoction will clear the dead skin from your face while helping preventing future break outs.

Sweet N' Sour Strawberry Lemon Facial Mask

Ingredients/Items needed:
2 Strawberries
1 Slice of lemon (Approx. 1 teaspoon)
3-5 Tablespoons of honey (depending on how much lemon juice you add)
1 Fork
1 Small cup

Step 1: Place tablespoons of honey in a small cup
Step 2: Mash strawberries with your fork until only small chunks remain, add to honey
Step 3: Squeeze lemon juice into the honey strawberry mixture, stir (Depending on who much your honey/lemon ratio is, add more honey for a thicker mixture or add more lemon to reduce the thickness of the mask)
Note: This mask is still going to be a bit runny, so apply over a sink
Step 4: Wait 5-10 minutes, wash mask off

Ill admit, this mixture also tastes delicious, so if you have some left over (that hasn't been on your face) I would recommend a spoonful or two. I hope the Summer treats everyone well!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts.

    strawberry mask for face
