Sweet N' Sour Strawberry Lemon Facial Mask
Ingredients/Items needed:
2 Strawberries
1 Slice of lemon (Approx. 1 teaspoon)
3-5 Tablespoons of honey (depending on how much lemon juice you add)
1 Fork
1 Small cup
Step 1: Place tablespoons of honey in a small cup
Step 2: Mash strawberries with your fork until only small chunks remain, add to honey
Step 3: Squeeze lemon juice into the honey strawberry mixture, stir (Depending on who much your honey/lemon ratio is, add more honey for a thicker mixture or add more lemon to reduce the thickness of the mask)
Note: This mask is still going to be a bit runny, so apply over a sink
Step 4: Wait 5-10 minutes, wash mask off
Ill admit, this mixture also tastes delicious, so if you have some left over (that hasn't been on your face) I would recommend a spoonful or two. I hope the Summer treats everyone well!